Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sensory Solutions

Vacuum-cleaners, blenders, too many voices... all of these wreck havoc on little, sensitive ears. So here's Laura sporting her solution. Earmuffs! These are Silencio Low Pro-2000, which are similar to the Silencio Orion, Ultra Slimline that are found on Amazon now. They are easy to put on and have held up to a lot of wear and tear.

We also have Howard Leight Impact Sport Electronic Earmuffs normally used in construction and on firing ranges. When they are turned off, they have a noise reduction rating of 22. When turned on, they allow normal sounds up to 82 decibles to be heard. If environmental noise goes above 82, they turn off and automatically muffle the noise. When noise levels drop, they turn back on. So when it is loud, they muffle noise. When it is not, the child can hear you. Pretty sweet.

I keep these on a low shelf, so that anyone who needs them can toddle over and put them on.

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